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(Registered Massage Therapist)

Registered Massage Therapist & Certified TMJ Therapist
Janelle graduated with honours with an Advanced Diploma in Massage Therapy from Mohawk College in 2016. She is a Registered Massage Therapist through the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) and is a member of the Registered Massage Therapists Association of Ontario (RMTAO).

Throughout her years in practice, she has taken a special interest in assessing and treating neck injuries including whiplash, nerve entrapments, concussions, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, dysfunctions and pathologies. Janelle has taken several courses for assessing and treating jaw pain and dysfunctions, and is a fully certified TMJ Therapist (Seminars for Health). Janelle is also an advanced Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM) practitioner from RockTape Canada (Blades & Blades Advanced), she is a Level I: Soft Tissue Release (STR) provider, as well as a Neuromuscular Cupping Practitioner. She also has advanced training in concussion assessment, and rehabilitation.

While Janelle has a special interest in neck, and TMJ conditions, she also has unique clinical exposure to several other specialized populations including concussion rehabilitation, chronic pain, elite athletes and performers. Her wide variety of clients has allowed her to build a professional practice in which she is able to utilize a vast wealth of knowledge to effectively treat and assess specialized populations and conditions.

Janelle is very passionate about continuing education, and the concept of Ancora Imparo (Still, I am Learning). Janelle is on staff within Mohawk College in the Massage Therapy program, and is often taking her own courses during her down time. She has a special interest in the current research and treatment modalities regarding fascia and the integral role it plays in anatomy and physiology. She is a current member of the Fascia Research Society (FRS).