Our Team X



(BSc(Kin), MSc(PT))

Ishwam graduated from the University of Waterloo with an Honours Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. He then completed his Masters of Science in Physical Therapy at McMaster University. His interest in rehab in sport started during his time as a student athletic therapist for the University of Waterloo’s varsity teams.

Ishwam is an avid supporter of evidence-based practice and focuses on using the latest and highest quality research to support his practice and treatment methods. He is also an advocate for the importance of ongoing education, having taken courses on chronic pain and exercise prescription. His next focus is to take courses to learn specific manual therapy techniques and master the NKT approach to expand his treatment toolbox.

As a practitioner, Ishwam believes strongly that a successful treatment plan is created through collaboration with both patient and physiotherapist. His treatment not only aims to reduce pain and improve function, but also give his patients the tools and education to maintain their health once they have finished their care at the clinic.